Kazuhito Yamada


Not everyone knows Yamada and his strength. Therefore it is wise to look at his accomplishments in fighting. To win the All Japan Open Weight classes 4 times in a row says a lot. In addition to position themselves strongly, and even win in the openweight class, and this as a middel weight fighter is strong. His cutting edge style of fighting lowered many fighters, and Yamada quickly became known for his strong striking combinations and the ability to vary these well. He has his own Dojo, which he runs with his wife, has a similar track record in the women's side as he has


1st  place 21st All Japan Weight Category Tournament - 2004 *

1st place  22nd All Japan Weight Category Tournament - 2006 *

1st place  23rd All Japan Weight Category Tournament - 2007 *

1st  place 24th All Japan Weight Category Tournament - 2008 *

4th place  26th All Japan Weight Category Tournament - 2010HW 

5th place 42nd All Japan - 2010 Openweight

4th place 41st All Japan - 2009 Openweigth

 1st place 40th All Japan - 2008 Openweight

last 16 9th World Championship 2007

(selected meritts)


Yamada Sensei Dojo



But outside of being a performer, he also has training camps around. In 2009 it was a busy summer for Yamada, where he participated in the World Cup which was held in Russia. From Russia we went directly to Norway and the Norwegian camp. After this was Greece's turn


Summer Camp in Norway 2009.

