7th Winter Camp 26-28 January



The weekend February 26 to 28 was ready for the 7th edition of the Russian Shinkyokushin winter camp. The camp also had some special visitors from Japan, among others, that stood for examination under Dan grading and kyu grading.

The camp was led by Yasuhara Fudjihara Shihan (Member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Technical Committee of the WKO. 6th Dan, Japan)

 Sensei Hirayama Ryutaro (Japan Champion in the middleweight, 2nd Dan, Japan)


It was put up four sessions, and ahead of the second session the focus was firmly on Andrey Materov that after an accident is seriously injured in hospital. The Japanese instructors explained how training with a strong spirit of all would help posetive the spirit of Materov. After the training, practitioners donated blood, which should help Materov forward in his fight.


Norwegian Shinkyokushin sends their stronges spirit and tought to Andrey Materov.


Results from the exam:

3 Dan: Gennady Nechaev, Ilya Platov, Nasirov Namig.

2 Dan: Nasirov Nazar, Ebugeni Motrich.

1 Dan: Shamsutdinov Roman, Maidan Yana, Dmitry Filippov, Maxim Smolyakov,

 Telnov Dmitry, Olga Nosulya.

1 kyu: Pislyagin Ruslan, Antonenko Veronica, Dmitry Vdovin.

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