Kokoro Cup 2012
Orest Proc from Lithuana takes the title of the Kokoro Cup this year!
Proc recently climbed to the top of the European Champinship in Belgium. Taking the middleweight EC first place proves a lot, and powering throught the open weight Kokoro Cup tournament really sets the standard. Last years winner of Kokoro Cup, Maciej Mazur from Poland, finished at 2.place. Mazur have proven good skills sevral times, and also he entred the podium at teh EC this year. Fighting in the light heavy weight category. Third place winner, Marek Odzeniak from Poland, did also step down one place from last years Kokoro Cup. 4.Place to Japan with Saiya Sugiura. |
Last years edition of Kokoro Cup showed a tournament that not only held a strong level of fighting and sportsmanship. The Kokoro Cup have also set the standard of how a tournament can be presented out to the audience. And of course with this total package, it will draw all positive elements that a elite tournament will and should have.
Top level fighters from Lithuania, Hungary, Japan and of course Poland, fought at last years tournament. And these nations are the nations who have some of the stronges fighters og the world. That said, for all that we know can the 2012 edition og Kokoro Cup add nations like Bulgaria, Romania and maybe even Russia or Kazakhstan?!
But the tournament have futher an offer to present...
>Link to Kokoro Cup
Last year, the event was visited by world champion from 2011, Tsukamoto Sensei. His presence draws huge interest, naturally enough, and when, in addition, he holds a seminar in the same setting it could only be a unique weekend! Who will be present at this year's Kokoro Cup seminar is currently unknown, but in any case hold this weekend, and stay updated on Kokoro Cup Website and FB!
Link to seminar 2011 vids and pictures