How many Kyokushin practicons have been asked the question "why do you not punch to the face?"
And how many have answered : we do,but not in the tournaments!
To train (or to games) without blow to the head is of course much safer than with. But if you take the question of self-defense, then you should have experience with blows attack to the head. Well Kyokushin karate has everything you need in basic form, so the question is perhaps how you choose to use it? No matter what you favor, one sees clearly that a fighter who has been with the rules without blow to the head, then it is something to learn especially in defense. And a fighter who is trained to go to the head, then it is something you can learn something of how the body is weak, and the gooood feeling of just knuckles on your chest and ribs. Head or guts?! -have fun! ;o)