Shanghai 2011




Japan is the country most people think of a day when it comes to the Karate world.Not surprising with regards to the World Championship is held now this weekend.people from the tail over the world come in these days to Japan to participate orattend the tournament. This includes people from Norway. Most travel directly to Japan, but there are those who take more of the East in their visit. Sempai Ronny Stensnes uses the opportunity to visit an old friend, and to get some exercise other than what is on schedule to normal. The place is China, Shanghai and training is BJJ

Geir Swiggum was one of the most talentet Kyokushin fighters in the mid 90 in Norway. At this time he was training Kyokushin with base in Horten KK,there the level was as good it can be in Norway. Ronny Stensnes was there at the same time, and old Kyokushin friends never forget each other. Some years back from now Geir Swiggum moved to Shanghai in order to be one of the top lawyer there. The martial training is still a great part of them both,and in a way it is the martial arts who bring them together. Geir Swiggum is a stundent of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, an the place to train this in Shanghai : Shanghai Brazilian Jiu Jitsi (SHBJJ) !!

The 400-square meter Shanghai Brazilian Jiu Jitsu academy is run by Brazilian import and BJJ black belt Tony Eduardo, a disciple of Rillion Gracie, along with Hong Kong native and purple belt Stanley Tam.

SHBJJ is lined with wall-to-wall training mats, and in addition to top-level jiu jitsu instruction, offers Army Combative classes, boot camp and kettle bell training.


SHBJJ offers the most qualified jiu jitsu instructors in Shanghai, and teaches self-defense techniques that will help anyone against a larger, more athletic opponent.



Brazilian Jiu Jitsu are known to have strong quality of the belt ranks. Although (like Kyokushin) the commercial world challengethis every single day. But if you know what (and whom) you should look for to get thetop level, you will be fine. SHBJJ have som great record to prove their skills at the highest level, and do take the time to visit their web site, and see more about SHBBJ and the training.


 SHBJJ ,the group was a good mix of French, Russians, Norwegians, Chinese, English andAmericans. Good physical warm up, technique training and sparring in the end. The number of members is around 150, and the club train various aspects of the BJJ​​,such as with and without GI who (for those who have tried this) is a big difference.