shinkyokushin Polen |
Sist år fikk man en enorm omveltning i Kyokushin-verdenen hvor store fraksjoner beveget på seg fra den ene organisasjonen til den andre. Polen var et av de land som hadde stor bevegelse ift dette,hvor større deler av den polske stammen i Iko1 forlot organisasjonen til gode for WKO/Shinkyokushin. Nå har det kommet enda en stor fraksjon til WKO/Shinkyokushinkai fra Polen. Hele 40 Dojo`s har nå offisiellt byttet medlemskap og er organisert i WKO. Den europeiske delegasjonen var før dette året så stor at man øket antall VM deltagere i 2011,og for ikke å snakke om den europeiske aktiviteten som har sprengt alle grenser i Polen det siste året. La oss tippe at dette tilskuddet av 40 nye Dojo`s ikke gjør det noe roligere!!
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Nicholas Pettas |
April 15 in Radzionków held Extraordinary General Meeting of Delegates of member clubs in PFKK. The meeting was attended by 31 delegates. The delegates unanimously made a resolution to remove the structures PFKK Regional Kyokushin Karate Club in the Karate Club Konin and "Master" in Cracow. Efforts have also been a resolution to change the development strategy and authorizing the Board PFKK to prepare amendments to the statute in accordance with the new law on sports. Boguslaw Jeremicz Shihan explained the reasons for his resignation Chief'a Branch organizations of Kyokushin-kan International, and referred to a letter they received in Poland PFKK members of the Honbu Kyokushin-kan. 31 delegates unanimously supported PFKK 9 representatives who, for various reasons could not attend the meeting (total 40 clubs) took the decision at the request of Shihan Boguslaw Jeremicza about leaving the structures of organizations of Kyokushin-kan. Representatives of 40 clubs have pledged to continue Shihan talks on accession to the structures PFKK Shinkyokushin Polish Organization, and thus to EKO and WKO. At the end of Shihan announced that a special guest at this year's summer camp will be in Tuchola Sensei Nicholas Pettas. |
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NOWI CZŁONKOWIE SHINKYOKUSHIN NEW MEMBERS SHINKYOKUSHIN I am pleased to inform you that on 16.04.2011, the members of the Polish Federation of Kyokushin - Kan almost 40 clubs, has taken the unanimous decision to leave the organizations of Kyokushin - Kan and inclusion in the structure of the WKO Shinkyokushin. Shihan Dan Bogdan Jeremicz 5, decided to leave the organizations of Kyokushin - Kan (Royama) when, after years of development has been compromised orgnizacji democratic structure of the national organization. At present, the structure in Poland Shinkyokushin count over 100 clubs, and still come new members. A year ago, joined the ranks of Shinkyokushin large and strong group of top instructors and trainers from the organization IKO Matsui. WKO Shinkyokushin which are composed of national organizations from over 85 countries is divided into 10 independent, democratic, regional structures such as the European Karate Organization, which brings together countries from the European region.
You could say that at present we are witnessing in
Poland Kyokushin reunification in one organization - NPO World Karate