Over a period so have several key people in their respective Kyokushin organizations, worked to form a common union in Kyokushin world. Common goals have has been set, and including a long-term goal of the Olympics. A common Kyokushin is something most people want, but there are obviously many challenges that must be solved at the organizational level.
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And it has already been raised questions about how well it will be for Kyokushin, to enter the Olympics. We know how strong the commercial forces are in this game, and if you look at the fighting styles that are Olympic disciplines, it is not desirable to give up so much of the Kyokushin style as the others have had to do for their styles.Anyway this is the very long term, and one should not judge the good initiatives down before they have been started. Olympics is only one thing in this union that shall be working with, and for those who remember the open World Championships in Hungary 2009, so one can imagine that it was a taste of things to come. |