Dear Branch Chiefs and Contacts,

Thanks to the cooperation of everyone, the 10th World Championship and all related events were held in great success, and I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to all of you.

Japan, the host country of this event, was hit by a large earthquake in Eastern Japan this spring, but the people of our country got together, united and determined to recover from this disaster. To be able to welcome so many of our friends from around the world, giving us a helping hand, was very encouraging for us. I would like to thank you all for coming to Japan, for due to your support, we were able to hold this tournament.
All competitors did really well in this tournament. It was obvious that everybody had been training very hard in order to prepare for this competition.

It was extremely exciting and emotional for everyone to watch the battles between Karate-kas from all over the world, Karate techniques of the highest level, clashing fiercely with a great fighting spirit. But then, once the battle was over and the winner was announced, the two competitors acted with true Budo manner, shaking hands and exchanging smiles, a scene truly refreshing to watch.

Looking back at the fights, I think we can all agree that there was not much of a difference in the level between fighters. I would like to extend my deepest congratulations to Norichika Tsukamoto and Emi Shoguchi who managed to win their fights under these circumstances. Tsukamoto set a fabulous record of becoming the youngest and eldest World Champion ever. Both Champions fought really well. In regards to this tournament, I believe that the Japanese Team fought the hardest, for they have had to claw their way up from the very bottom. They showed such a determination to recover from the earthquake disaster, as well as a strong mental strength.

Also, I believe that the special demonstration by Sensei Dolph Lundgren, who found the time in his very tight schedule to come to Japan, was an important highlight of the tournament. The collaboration with the musician Tsuyoshi Nagabuchi, who had produced the music for this special demonstration, showed the attraction and possibilities of the Karate world. I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to both of them. Further, the children’s demonstration led by Shihan Nanri, was great and full of splendid techniques, and the audience seemed to very astonished by this performance.

The audience at this tournament showed an excellent manner and I was very moved by this. It was a tournament in true budo manner. The level of the competitors, the manner of the audience was perfectly suitable for this 10th memorial tournament. This tournament was conducted through the strongly unity displayed by the fighters, the audience, all related people, and I am so proud of its success.

In connection to this tournament, several meetings and also the World Karate Seminar was also held. New officials were elected at the meeting, and the new Board Members will continue their work for the development of WKO. Our organization, which is democratically managed, puts emphasis on discussions and communications. Although the time was short, I believe we had many fruitful discussions. We made decisions about our future, nobody else made them for us, we made them, so let us not be in a hurry, but let us steadily continue our path forward.

At the World Karate Seminar, 300 students participated. We are a Karate organization, and it feels great to put on the dogi, to train and sweat, to return to our starting point together, to return to our self. At the seminar, the Grading Committee and Technical Committee did a great job, and I would like to thank all Committee members. The sayonara party at the seminar was great fun and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. I believe that everyone could truly feel “Shinkyokushin, One Big Family”, and it will be a night I will never forget. We had good luck with the weather this time, and Mt. Fuji was beautiful. This was the reward for our hard work, which I very much appreciate

Lastly, I would like to say some words about Marius Ilas, who had a positive result in the doping test held at the Karate World Cup in Russia. The point of discussion in this case was whether the prohibited substance that was detected in the sample taken from him was endogenous or not. It has now been proved endogenous by a professor who is a world authority in regards to this substance. Because of this, the penalty of Marius was put on hold and he was accepted to participate in the World Championship. I understand that this time period has been hard for Marius, but it is also important to not forget the hard time and many hours that the Doping Committee has put forth in order to investigate this case. Also, the President of EKO, Shihan Koen Scharrenberg has worked very hard on this case. I would like to show my deepest respect for their hard work. The Doping Committee will give you more detailed information on this case later on.

But, we in the WKO will always share whatever pain or struggle that shows up, that is the spirit of our organization. WKO takes care of each other, as seen in the spirit, “One for All, All for One”. We will continue our path towards becoming the strongest and largest Budo Organization in the world, and we will do it our way.

Please take care of yourself, and I am looking forward to seeing you all at the World Cup in Lithuania.

As always, I am deeply grateful for your support and hard work. Thank you very much.


Kenji Midori


Dear Branch Chiefs and Contacts,

The World Championship is just around the corner. Tokyo, where this tournament will be held, has started its path towards autumn, overcoming the intense heat that caused major concern in the lack of supply in electricity. Although the frequent aftershocks have started to fade, there still remains a high level of caution. The unity displayed by Japan in our reconstruction efforts, and the fact that we are moving forward, with the memory of those lost in the disaster in our hearts, is a strong point of Japan we can be proud of.

Please continue to give Japan your energy, which we will need in our long term reconstruction efforts.

As to our organization, the WKO, we are now coordinating the preparation work to welcome you all to Japan. As to the financial part, we are grateful to the many sponsors that are supporting us and making it possible for us to host this event. In order to meet the expectations of the kindness we have received, we hope this tournament will bring about deep emotion, excitement, and strength to everybody involved. As I always say, the competitors play the leading role in our tournaments. The spirit which each fighter has put into this event is portrayed on the back of each fighter, and in each of their punches and kicks. All will be deeply moved by this spirit, which is above all strength and technique, and our spirit will be shaken by the journey to decide the No. 1 in Karate and the moment when the world’s strongest Karateka is decided.

As you are all aware, our organization promotes anti-doping, and is carrying out activities in line with the WADA Code, the world’s authority in this field. The protection of our competitor’s health is equally important as their fair play. Sosai Masutatsu Oyama used to always put a strong emphasis on amateur spirit, and I believe that now is the time to reconfirm our standpoint regarding this issue. It is expected of us to participate in competitions, with the purity of a human being. A prohibited substance was detected from the sample of Mr. Marius Ilas, taken at the doping test performed during the World Cup in 2009, and issues related to the investigation and penalty surrounding the case, has required a significant amount of time and work. However, whether this substance was produced from inside his body, the verification of the endogenous origin of the substance has become the main issue of this case, which has developed to a point where it is being dealt with at the Court of Arbitration of Sports. Marius is one of our important friends, but at the same time, it is a top priority to obey the WADA Code which we have adopted. The origin of the substance is now under further investigation, for the argument of our friend and how the detected substance has been dealt with according to the Wada Regulations, is under dispute.

However, the World Championship, which is the tournament with the highest authority in the world, must continue to be the cleanest and purest event. I sincerely hope that the truth will be brought to light before the World Championship, due to the efforts of all involved. This is not easy for us, and in the same manner, it is not easy for Mr. Ilas. Who would have anticipated the first case after the adoption of the WADA Code, to be this complicated and difficult? Friends share with each other, all happiness, sadness, and hardships. This is our WKO. Therefore, let us make sure to solve this problem together as well. Please wait patiently for a detailed progress report concerning this case, with the WKO Doping Control Committee at its center.

Lastly, the World Championship. The change in the global economy can be seen in the exchange rate. Although this environment within the exchange rate will naturally force those visiting Japan to shoulder a significant economic burden, we will do our best to make the tournament well worth it, and we will be looking forward to your arrival.

Kenji Midori